A guide to massage therapy etiquette

If you’re no stranger to massage, you’ll be fully aware of the do’s and don’ts of most salons and massage therapists. If you’re new to it all though, make sure you don’t go in blind; you might anger your massage therapist…

Do pay attention to hygiene

Massage therapists are in charge of touching and manipulating your body. Dephygiene ending on the style, they could massage your partially naked body or even turn their focus to your feet. Either way, washing properly before a massage is an absolute must. Turning up to a massage unclean is not only disrespectful, but also puts your massage therapist and future clients at risk of infection. Massage therapists often ask their clients to thoroughly clean their feet, nails, hair and the back of their ears before a session, as these are the areas known contract dirt the most. You wouldn’t feel comfortable being touched by an unclean masseuse, so don’t expect your massage therapist to!

Don’t turn up too late/early for your appointment

Most massage therapists are on a strict schedule, and do everything they can to meet their deadlines not to disrupt future appointments. Whilst leniency will differ from masseuse to masseuse, most will insist you arrive for your appointment 5-10 minutes before it starts- no earlier, no later. Most massages require some kind of preparation, whether that be removing your clothes, washing yourself or having a discussion with your masseuse beforehand. Therefore, to get the most out of your time, give yourself just enough time to get prepared for your session. However, do not turn up for your appointment too early- your massage therapist will not like it. Why, might you ask? Well its simple- your masseuse is likely to be massaging another client at that time. Arriving for an appointment too early could make your masseuse feel rushed and uncomfortable, but it could also make the other client feel self-conscious. Some massages are performed partially naked, so privacy for clients is of the upmost importance to a massage therapist. Don’t be too eager- just turn up on time.

Do turn off your mobile

Massages are notoriously relaxing, and are usually conducted in a tranquil, peaceful environment. Many styles- such as Thai massage- rely heavily on mindfulness; which can only be achieved in a calming, silent environment. The ringing or vibrating of a mobile phone would disrupt the calmness of a massage, and could therefore ruin the serenity of a session. Nearly every massage therapist will ask you to turn off your mobile phone, unless of course it needs to be on for an emergency. The bottom line is- no calls or texts during your massage!

Don’t smoke before your session

If you’re a smoker, the chances are you’ll instinctively spark up just before your session. However, try and resist the urge if you can- your massage therapist definitely won’t like it. To protect the health and wellbeing of your masseuse and future clients, most salons ask clients not to smoke right before a session. Smoking emits various toxins and poisons; chemicals that can trigger an allergic reaction in some people. If you’re a smoker, your body recognises that you are taking in a number of various toxins, and therefore does all it can to reject them. This means that toxins can literally seep from the skin, and can therefore be spread through the touch of a massage therapist. This can threaten the health of your masseuse and their future patients too, so be sure to stump it out!

Do communicate with your masseuse

Communication is key when it comes to massage because it allows you to make the most out of your session. Whilst trained massage therapists are skilled, they’re not mind readers, so be sure to speak up if you experience isn’t quite what you expected. Masseuses are trained to adapt their routines, but cannot do this if they do not know where to re-direct their attention. If you enjoy a certain technique or gain the most pleasure from a certain area being touched- let your masseuse know, and they will focus more on those locations. On the contrary, if there’s something you don’t like, do not suffer in silence. It’s important to remember that dependant on style; pain is not a normal part of massage. It is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t quite right. However, every single person has a unique pain threshold, and every single person has a unique body. Massage therapists are not able to predict this, so partly rely on feedback from clients in order to change and adapt their style. However, as reiterated by Elle, don’t communicate too much- it’ll kill the vibe.

Don’t try and help your massage therapist

Sometimes, people struggle to refrain when they are not in control of a situation. It is just our mature. Relaxing is so hard to come by these days, some people don’t actually know how to do it! However, when you’re lay on that massage table, do not try and ‘help’ your masseuse under any circumstances. Massage therapists are trained to take the reigns- which means they are responsible for doing everything unless they say otherwise. Therefore, if they need to lift your leg- they will do it, not you. If they need to access an awkward area- they will adjust your body position accordingly. Massages are designed for your relaxation- so do yourself a favour and just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

Do stay at home if you’re unwell

Most massage therapists will agree that scheduling in for a session when sick if a bad idea. First of all, the massage itself is likely to make you feel worse than it is better, because the techniques used would simply encourage the illness to spread through your body more quickly. Secondly, it’s not healthy for your massage therapists and their clients. Some illnesses, such as the flu or cold, are extremely contagious, and could be passed on to your masseuse easily. There’s the chance of them infecting other clients too. The bottom line is, if you’re feeling under the weather, call your masseuse with 24 hours’ notice. They won’t be annoyed, they’ll be appreciative!   Now when you know the basics of massage etiquette you can book your massage. But how about something "spicy" like an erotic, nude tantric massage? The etiquette is the same so don't hesitate and book your tantric massage in London - 07823687008! For more details visit http://www.blissbodytobody.co.uk/services/tantric-massage-london/

