naked four hands massage in marble arch

5 benefits of getting a body to body massage this winter

The nights are getting colder and the days are getting shorter. You start work when it’s dark and you get home when it’s dark. There’s only one explanation for this: winter is finally here whether you like it or not. And winter usually mean staying indoors for longer, exercising less, wearing more layers, sleeping more and eating more. All in all, the frosty months can take a toll on your body. Scheduling in a massage periodically throughout this cold, dark season can help to keep your body in top condition. There are many different types of massages you can go for, but a body to body massage is said to be one of the best, most indulgent full body styles. Performed with the therapist using her body to massage you, it involves total skin to skin contact, which promotes relaxation and soothes rattled nerves. Here are five ways a body to body massage can help you get through this cold, dark season…

1. Boost your immune system

Winter may be the most wonderful time of the year, but it’s also the time where you’re more likely to pick up colds, coughs and sniffles. Massage has been proven to improve the immune system. How? Well, the techniques used increase lymphatic flow, which is packed with white blood cells, the body’s soldiers against bacteria and viruses. The stress hormone, cortisol, is said to reduce levels of white blood cells in the bloodstream. Massage is known to reduce cortisol, which in turn boosts levels of white blood cells and improves the immune system.

2. Improves circulation

Do you find that your hands and feet are always cold? If so, you might be having some problems with blood circulation and this is made even worse in the cold winter months. A massage can help enhance your blood flow and warm your body as it increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cells in your body.

3. Relieves stress

The lead up to the holidays can be extremely stressful. Think never-ending to-do lists, family reunions, office parties and Secret Santas at work. And that’s not including the last minute Christmas dash for presents and food! Needless to say, the festive months can really stress you out. Take some time off and squeeze in a body to body massage into your busy schedule. A body to body massage is unique in that it involves full bodily contact. Various studies have showed that we crave touch and that we find it extremely comforting. As well as this, a body to body massage can involve some sensual and sexually arousing techniques. The pleasure can aid in the release of stress and even help improve quality of sleep, which will give you more energy and vitality during the hectic winter months.

naked four hands massage in marble arch

4. Moisturises dry skin

The humidity drops in winter, which is why the air is drier as well as colder. These harsh conditions can take a toll on your skin. The air dries out your skin by causing the water held near the surface to evaporate, leaving your skin dehydrated. The oils, lotions and gels used in a massage are packed with vitamins and essential fatty acids so work to replenish and nourish your skin. Plus, a body to body massage is a full body, often naked therapy, so the oils can cover your entire form, ensuring that your whole body is restored for the season.

5. Banish the winter blues

Say goodbye to those pesky winter blues! A body to body massage involves full bodily contact, which might be arousing. The pleasurable sensations encourage the release of feel-good hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, which work to stabilise mood, reduce stress and soothe nerves. The result? A happy mind and a relaxed body! To experience the wonders of a body to body massage, head over to our bookings page to get yourself scheduled in with one of our premium therapists. Book this hot Asian body to body massage London. Read more here -

