Why getting a 4 hands hotel massage is the best

If you’re new to oriental massage, you’ll be unaware of the many styles on offer. Whilst all styles are amazing and unique in their way, nothing compares to a 4 hands massage. An experience with one masseuse is sensational, but an experience with two masseuses is nothing short of magic. However, why not make your treat to yourself even more special and book in for an outcall hotel massage? These are the five reasons why getting a 4 hands hotel massage is the best thing ever:

1. There is way more room

Unless you’re seriously rich, most places in London are on the small side. The houses are cramped, rooms are passed off as apartments and most people have to share. If you’re one of those unlucky people, enjoying a stress-free, 4 hands massage in your home won’t be how you imagine it to be. Having sex with one person can be difficult if there isn’t enough room, but can you imagine how awkward it would be with two gorgeous women? Hotel rooms are generally bigger; with more floor space and larger beds. This means you can roll around with your two sexy minxes and not have to worry about falling off the bed or knocking over furniture.

2. You won’t be disturbed

Unless you live alone, there are no guarantees you won’t be disturbed by friends or family. It would be awkward enough to try and explain why one masseuse was there, but can you imagine trying to explain two?! I would probably want the world to swallow me up. In a hotel on the other hand, you never have to worry about being disturbed. You can book your ladies for 1-8 hours, and every single second of that time will be peaceful.

3. It’s more luxurious

In the world of massage, it doesn’t get better than 4 hands massage. It is the ultimate luxury. This being said, would it be as glamorous as you’d hoped in your small, untidy bedroom? Probably not. To create the perfect massage experience, the setting needs to be right; this is why you should splash out a little extra for a nice hotel room. 4 hands are what dreams are made of. They are the Shangri-La of the massage world and therefore deserve a proper delivery. In a hotel room, you can roll around on soft, Egyptian cotton bed sheets, indulge in champagne and room service and finally, just don’t have to worry about tidying up the mess. It’s like being on holiday!

4. You don’t have to rush

When staying a hotel, the last thing you need to do in preparation for your massage is rush. At a hotel, you don’t have the same time-constraints as being at home. There is no one to tell you what to do; no other commitments to stick to. When you’re in your hotel room, you can sit back, relax and do what you want for as long as you please. Similarly, hotels are usually open 24 hours a day, meaning you can arrange your massage at a time that suits you. Whether it be first thing in the morning or late at night, you will never have any time constrictions. If you live with people on the other hand, you may be limited to certain times in the day.

5. Its far more discreet

Although you may feel comfortable scheduling in for a 4 hands massage, not everyone is as understanding. Perhaps you have neighbours that would judge you, or live with friends that would feel uncomfortable with the idea- either way, feeling at ease during your massage is important. Being worried or stressed can ruin the whole experience. With this in mind, hotels are by far the most discreet ways to enjoy a 4 hands massage. Hotels never pass on personal information, and you can be at ease knowing staff won’t judge you. You’ll have the care-free experience you’ve wanted for so long! To book your mind-blowing 4 hands hotel massage, call us on the details below and make your erotic dreams come true! How about trying our 4 hands massage London? - http://www.blissbodytobody.co.uk/services/four-hands-massage-london/

