Are massage parlours clean/hygienic?

When it comes to booking a happy ending massage with an Asian massage parlour in London, we understand that our customers have many questions regarding our services and premises. One of the most frequently asked questions regarding hygiene and cleanliness at our massage parlour, as well as the safety of having an erotic massage performed by our masseuses.

Our main priority as a business is the satisfaction of our customers. We pride ourselves on making our customers feel good; therefore we want you to have the best possible massage experience when you are at our massage parlour. Each of our masseuses have been highly trained at some of the most elite massage therapy schools across Asia and we have carefully hand selected them based on their beauty, hard work and dedication to their profession. They have a strong passion to provide you with a service that is unforgettable, which is why they try to make each session as individual as they can to suit the needs and desires of that specific customer. Although our main aim is to provide the customer with complete satisfaction, we do not just put our focus on the massage session as we believe your experience starts from the moment you call us to book an appointment or walk into our massage parlour. To make sure you always feel completely comfortable and safe, we have implicated high standards of hygiene of both the premises and masseuses.

FAQ’s regarding hygiene & cleanliness

  Is there a reception area? We want to ensure that if there is waiting time or if you want to pop into one of our massage parlours with any questions or queries that you have somewhere clean and comfortable to do so, which is why we always try to have a welcoming reception area. We have sofas for you to wait on as well as an area to get some water before your session begins. We also ensure that our parlours are always in discreet areas to protect your privacy. Are there showering facilities that I can use? Yes, we have showering facilities available at all of our massage parlours that you are free to use before or after your session. For an extra fee of £20 you can also have a soapy shower session with a masseuse. Showering before or after the massage is essential as not only is it more hygienic for both parties, but it also gives you confidence as you are feeling fresh. A shower before your massage helps you to get into a state of relaxation, setting the mood for your massage. Are the bedrooms clean? We aim to keep the private rooms in which the massage sessions are performed as minimalistic as possible as we believe a non-cluttered space makes for a non-cluttered mind. Messy or hoarded spaces can often trigger anxiety; therefore we want to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere for you. Our rooms are polished, hovered, cleaned and mopped every morning and evening, as well as in between sessions. We have a special cleaner that comes in once a week for a deep clean of each of our massage parlours. Are the toilets clean? We have private and separate toilets for our customers to use that we clean daily, supplying you with toilet roll, soaps and hand wash. Do the girls shower beforehand? We have rules and regulations that each of our masseuses must shower before and after each massage session they have, especially if they are performing a Nuru or Full Service massage on a client. Do I have to use a condom? For protection for both our customers and our masseuses against STD’s, we have strict rules on the usage of condoms. We provide both condoms and lubricant; therefore you do not need to bring your own. We also have strict policies against CIM; therefore you should not ask or offer to pay the masseuse more money to do so. Are the bed sheets cleaned regularly? Yes, all of our bed sheets are cleaned daily and changed after each session. You will never have to use the same bed sheets as the clients before you as fresh ones are provided. Do the masseuses have regular STD checks? We care about the health and safety of both our clients and our masseuses, which is why we make our masseuses have monthly check-ups with the doctors to ensure that they are clean and healthy.

Precautions our customers can take to ensure they are clean and hygienic before they visit the massage parlour…

  • Shower before your session – We understand that some of our customers have very busy schedules, however if you have time to shower before you visit us then please do. It is not pleasant for the masseuse to massage a customer if they have been working all day or playing sports as there is often a bad odour, especially during summer. We have showering facilities at our massage parlours that you can make use of.
  • Make sure your clothes are fresh – if you would prefer to have the massage with some of your clothes still on, or are coming after a long day at work; try to have a spare fresh change of clothes that you can arrive to the massage in.
  • Make sure your breath is fresh – This s very important, especially if you wish to have the French kissing package. Make sure you brush your teeth and use mouthwash, particularly if you have eaten several hours or been drinking alcohol beforehand. If you have cold sores please let the masseuse know so she can protect herself.
  • Make sure you’re clean from STD’s – it is essential that you do not have any STD’s if you wish to have a massage session with one of our masseuses. Our masseuses will also use a condom and do not provide CIM for their own health and safety, as well as the well-being of future customers. Please be responsible.

