Want to liven up your sex life? Give a DIY 4 hands massage a go

Now as a trained erotic masseuse you could say I am pretty open when it comes to discussing the old hanky-panky, the old sack race, the old wetting of the whistle, shaking of the sheets… you know what I’m talking about- I’m talking about S-E-X. And discussing anything sexual is my jam; I’m a sex expert if you like. This openness and willingness to which I confront conversations about sex is why I decided to finally get my blog page up and running. My aim? To encourage open discussions about sex in order to improve the general populous’ sex lives and promote a no shame attitude. So are you with me? This week I will be discussing a form of Asian massage called ‘4 hands’. Now 4 hands massage is extremely popular in the East and in recent years has really take off in the UK as a must have erotic massage experience. They’ve written about it in Cosmo, they’ve mentioned it briefly in the broadsheets and I even heard it’s been discussed on a popular day time panel show. So what is this 4 hands and how can it bring ultimate pleasure to your relationship? Well 4 hands is- as you might have guessed from its less than ambiguous namesake- an erotic massage style that involves being massaged by two women simultaneously. So in essence you and your partner- if you were to try this at home you would need a third party to complete the mix. That’s right fellas- I’m advocating threesomes. What? Who is this crazy lady you ask… well good sir, I am a sex expert so listen up. This isn’t any old three way, a four hands massage is a miraculous experience that I hope everyone gets the opportunity to try at least once in their life time. Sex is sex but this is about healing your body and your soul. The thing with four hands- the trick if you like, is that the two “masseuses” or in your case your two ‘lady friends’ must work in complete synchronicity. To be synchronised is very important, it’s to do with the science.


Most massage styles involve being massaged by own masseuse. A trained erotic masseuse knows how to massage particular areas that send signals to the brain, not only making you feel calmer and lighter but also happier- Now I am not exaggerating either, its science! Your nervous system connects all of your body together. Getting a massage awakens the body’s natural endorphins, these endorphins travel up to the brain and releases happy feelings. I know it might sound a little strange but it is genuinely scientific fact. But I know what you’re thinking- why not just get your partner to massage you right? Wrong. The reason four hands is so powerful is this. Everybody’s brains are split into two parts. When you are being massaged in the regular way one half of your brain receives the pleasure signals and the other stays alert and concentrates on everything going on and everything that is playing on your mind. This means you are only getting half an immersion in to blissful serenity. When you have two masseuses massaging a side each and doing so in the exact same fashion both sides of your brain are transmitted with intense pleasure endorphins. The complete immersion in to bliss leaves you in a state of ecstasy, you forget any worries, stresses, you cannot concentrate on anything but your own pleasure. This leads nicely on to the sexual element of this erotic massage… Having intercourse or having any sexual acts performed on you when you are in this holier than holy state is transcendent. Men that I have witnessed experience full service four hands have been able to orgasm for five whole minutes, convulsing on the bed in sheer pleasure. On coming to they describe all kinds of wonderful things and genuinely seemed changed by the experience. You can’t not! Four hands allows you entry in to another realm. This realm of sheer pleasure is a great form of detox, with the ability to clean your mind of negative thoughts and feelings; allowing you the gift of a fresh start, a new lease on life.

So are you interested now?

Well if you don’t want to visit a parlour and experience four hands performed by two professional erotic masseuses then by all means give it a go at home. What’s stopping you? All you need are two willing participants, a bed, some massage oil, maybe some dim lighting, a candle or two, some soothing music and bam you’re halfway there! It might be a good idea to recommend both your participating ladies get together beforehand to practice a massage routine- this will help with the synchronicity. Alternatively, if they cannot find time to get together prior to the session learning the same four hands routine (see youtube tutorials) that way even if they can’t practice together they will have learnt the same technique. Although this might seem like a lot of effort the pay-off is hundred per cent worth it. There will not be a day that goes by where you don’t think about how fantastic getting four hands massage was like. A true partner would understand how important this is for you and would support you in living out your sexual fantasies. That’s all for this week, tune in next Friday when I’ll be discussing sex toys! See you then. Amber X

Book a four hands massage by calling 07823687008

View more details about 4 hands massage in London

