Sensual massage Vs Erotic massage- what’s the difference?

This month we are celebrating erotic massage styles- not that we don’t celebrate erotic massage styles all year round but it is this month in which we celebrate individually each and every style. We have found in recent months that many clients get confused between the differences in some massage styles; they can’t tell them apart. We believe it is important that each and every one of our clientele gets to enjoy the massage style that is right for them without any confusion or guess work. The two most common massage styles that people seem to get confused between is Sensual massage and Erotic massage.  These two massage styles in fact couldn’t be more different! The truth is the trouble with the industry is that a lot of the lingo is fairly similar meaning that one face value both sensual and erotic massage sound interchangeable. But worry no longer, friend! This is what we are here for- to give you the lowdown about what’s what in the mysterious world of erotic massage! Let’s start with the basics and then we can move on to a more in depth analysis of the two styles. First off, the main difference between the two is this:   A sensual massage draws much more focus on your muscles, working them more- it is similar to what you would expect to experience with say a Swedish or deep-tissue massage. Sensual massage is the ideal massage style to choose if you are in need of some real pain relief. If you are suffering from backache, carrying a lot of stress in shoulders or feel like your back could do with a good unknotting then sensual massage is the massage style I would recommend for you. An Erotic massage has much more of a focus on sexual pleasure. The massage strokes performed with this style focus on arousing the body and inciting heightened sexual Sensual is more similar to Swedish and works the muscles more. Erotic massage is more sexual and focuses more of arousing the body. Sensual more healing, erotic more sexual. Read more about erotic massage in London

